340B Health

Complimentary Roundtable
in virginia

Thursday, August 22, 2024
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM ET
(check-in begins at 10:30 AM)

Location: Riverside College of Health Services
Building 316 - Fourth Floor
316 Main Street
Newport News, VA 23601

340B Health Members Click Here to Register:

 340B Health Corporate Partners Click Here to Register*:

Join 340B Health on Thursday, August 22, 2024, for this interactive workshop that will help attendees learn about 340B program developments and understand changes and potential changes to 340B and how to maintain compliant 340B programs.

Topics will include:

  • The latest update on 340B legislative proposals and Capitol Hill, including the Gang of Six discussion draft and its implications for hospitals.
  • The most recent developments on manufacturers’ contract pharmacy restrictions, including a recent court decision concluding manufacturers are not prohibited from imposing conditions on the distribution of 340B drugs to covered entities and an update on the status of other lawsuits, and mitigation strategies hospitals are using to offset the restrictions’ negative impact.
  • Trends and developments in 340B-related state policymaking and advocacy
  • Discussion about the Inflation Reduction Act and how it will impact 340B savings and operations.
  • Opportunities to engage in advocacy and communications efforts to protect 340B.
  • Current HRSA audit findings and trends, including the potential impact of HRSA’s child site registration policy announcement and the recent Genesis FQHC court case.

There will be plenty of time for Q&A and this is also a great opportunity to network with your 340B peers. We look forward to seeing you!

340B Health staff

We encourage hospital and health system CEOs, COOs, CFOs, counsel, government relations/public relations directors, pharmacy directors, pharmacy techs and 340B managers to attend. The event is limited to hospitals and 340B Health corporate partners. Please note this is an in-person event. A virtural option to participate is not available.

REGISTRATION:This event is complimentary but pre-registration is required. A confirmation will be emailed to you once you register. The number of registrations per hospital or firm is also limited. The deadline to register is Wednesday, August 14, 2024.

*Limited registrations are available to 340B Health Pinnacle Plus, Pinnacle and Diamond level corporate partners.

MORE EVENT INFORMATION: Contact our events team at events@340bhealth.org

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